Linda Berry Stein College of Fine Arts & 人文学科School of 人文学科

的 dolphin statues behind Howard Administration Building.


Interested students must first apply for admission to Jacksonville University. Learn more about 的 audition and portfolio review process.

Photo of Dr. Scott Kimbrough, 椅子 of 的 Division of 人文学科 and Professor of Philosophy

Whatever career path students pursue,ir success depends upon 的 ability to think critically, write cogently, and speak clearly. Education in 的 人文学科 fosters and develops 的se foundational skills.

Dr. Scott Kimbrough椅子 of 的 School of 人文学科 and Professor of Philosophy

Engaged Learning

School of 人文学科 offers a variety of enhanced learning activities through research, sponsored events, study abroad, and student organizations.

Undergraduate Research

Students work closely with faculty to develop undergraduate research projects in a variety of disciplines. Students in 的 humanities have presented at local, regional and national conferences. 的se project build mentoring relationships, develop professional skills, and create networking opportunities.

Sponsored 事件

From 的 annual Walter 访问ing Writer lecture and workshop to 的 Philosophy Slam series, School of 人文学科 sponsors events that bring writers and scholars to interact with students. French Week introduces students to French food, games, and 文化. At 的 annual Ghost of JU Write-a-Thon, dozens of students collaborate to author group stories. Student writers showcase 的ir work in 的 宝瓶座时代的 Arts and Literary magazine and 的 annual Walter Writing Awards.

Study Abroad

人文学科 faculty members have led study abroad programs all over 的 world including 的 United Kingdom, Greece, Italy, Iceland, and Cuba

Student Organizations

From honors societies to 的 宝瓶座时代的 Arts and Literary Magazine, School of 人文学科 advises student organizations that support classroom learning through extracurricular activities. Through 的se organizations, students have earned scholarships and grants, and made valuable community connections.

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School of 人文学科

Literature, Language, and 文化


Contact Information School of 人文学科

Council Building
Jacksonville University
2800 University Blvd N
Jacksonville, FL 32211

Phone: (904) 256-7210